Sunday, November 8, 2009

7. Do you have any interpretation to the final moments of the film?

Matthieu seems to be drawn to a woman resewing a piece of lace in a window shop. There is this dirty, broken piece of what used to be beautiful lace that is being repaired. I think the lace could represent Matthieu's first vision of Conchita, what she stood for in his mind, then the broken lace is Conchita in reality. The lace is meant to be ripped because like Matthieu's desires, the lace must be used and aged in order to be fully appreciated. Matthieu is still enthralled by the broken lace. It is being resown just like his relationship, if you could call it that, with Conchita. Now that perhaps he is all to aware of the real person she is, what happened in the past can be mended into something that is real and able to be used. And unlike the brand new beautiful lace, it is appreciated with all it's flaws, if not better.

2. Why do you think that terrorism is an ever pervasive "background" to the events in the film?

More than anything, I believe that the terrorism speaks as the voice of lust/desire/love in this film. Matthieu's desire or blinded love for Conchita is corrupt and twisted. He is no more in love with her, than he is for what she represents. Conchita is an unattainable person to him, thus the "perfect" figure to have in Mattieu's eyes. This is what ultimately leads to his down fall, because Conchita knows the game of the chase. And like wise, she does not wanted to be treated as the object Matthieu alludes to her as. She obviously says this at one point to Matthieu... 'I am not just an object or item you can have.' The terrorism also illustrates that love of value must be fought for. Though Conchita is not the person Matthieu is in love with, she is what Matthieu must have. Only at the end, after all the downfalls, heart break, and flaws can they MAYBE have a real relationship. The terrorist attack that kills (?) or strikes them in the end, is the emotion washing over them. If their relationship is going to continue, it will not all be flowery pastures. Instead, it must be continually worked on, and their problems will not just disappear.

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