Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1. I feel that Melibea and Calisto meet in the dead of night because, like their relationship, the darkness clouds the truth. They are in love with being in love, simply for the chase. Sex is the only thing central t tehir relationship. Nighttime is ofte reguared as a time for lust- a time when wild things can happen without the reason of the daylight. It is symbollic of what both charactors want out of each other, and also the appearance of their relationship to society.

2. Calisto an Melibea do not truly love each othr. As we hv taked about many times, Melibea is committed to the chase, not the relationship. Calisto on the other hand, is in love with an ethereal figure that does not exist. The word love is thrown around often by many characters, but most of all, I think it is part of Celestina's motive to let her plan follow through. Melibea's suicide is not driven by love, I feel it is out of shame. She is descending from the tower as a woman who has been defeated by her shame. I call it shame because she disappointed herself more than anyone. Rather than be broken by Calisto's death or Celestina's, Melibea points blame and suffers for it all.

3. Both characters die while descending from something. This is significant because they are both falls from grace. Neither Calisto or Melibea remain the person they began. Instead, the greediness and chase of love consume them. Celestine represents desire- once she is dead, all the characters get a reality check. They know love is not what drive them, lust does. When they all continue this game knowing the truth, their fall from grace is inevitable. They know the truth yet refuse to let it set them free.

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