Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Romance Of Tristan Parts 7-13

1. Discuss Tristan and Yseut’s stay in the woods (apart from their ‘repentance’). How are they living / surviving? What must they do? Why? What do you think is the deeper significance of this? Reference specific points in the text to support your answer.

Tristan and Yseut live a very hard life on the run. They have no way of getting any sort or bread, thus they must live off what they hunt (meat only). Though it keeps them alive, their diet is not fulfilling nor does it fully nourish their bodies. Often, Beroul writes about the hardships of constant moving and the character's physical lack of energy. Tristan and Yseut cannot stay in one place for more than a night, for fear of getting caught by Mark's men. Similarly, they must make their own shelters once they get to their place of rest. They must keep to themselves and not enter into towns.
While they could indeed be living in excess and luxury at the palace, they choose to live a very taxing life together. The characters have both physically and emotionally sacrificed heavily to be with one another. Tristan has lost his relationship with his uncle, one that used to mean a great deal to him. The king has everyone after him for a reward. Yseut has lost all her morals she used to live by. She is with a man that fought with her family, and concealed his identity. Her marriage was doomed for failure because of a "potion." However, it is not necessarily the potion keeping these two together. Whatever the case, their love is proven to be more important than all else in their lives.

4. We are told the love potion has ‘worn off’ after three years. Describe the reactions Tristan and Yseult have regarding this fact. Why is this the case?

Tristan and Yseut have very selfish reactions at first to the love potion wearing off. At first, they think off all that they themselves have given up for their relationship. While Tristan thinks of the kingdom, his knighthood, and the relationship he had with his uncle, Yseut similarly thinks of her marriage and the lifestyle she could have had. It is only until they both realize they are in equal position, that they start to really see 'the truth.' They love each other regardless. The three years they have spent together have been difficult, yet they have grown together and truly fell in love- not magically through a potion. Furthermore, once Tristan and Yseut decide to part, the promises they make to one another seem like it is an experimental plan rather than a future. Tristan promises to come to Yseut and take her from the palace if she is unhappy, while Yseut promises to come to Tristan no matter where he is or in any condition. Basically, they want to see if it was just a potion working it's magic. Although it is evident that this is not the case, Tristan and Yseut will more likely find this out once they have parted. With all the the two have been through alone, it is hard to imagine them splitting apart. Emotionally, the two have become different people because of one another. Their "love" changed their lives. Thus, the potion may have worn off, and they may be apart, but I predict this is not for long.

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