Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Knight with the Lion part One

Chretien used the prologue in Erec and Enide as a foreshadowing. Along with that, Chretien parallels his own life with his characters in the text. However, in The Knight with the Lion, there is no prologue. In Erec and Enide, the prologue stated the overall lesson that was learned by Erec (true love and appreciation must be discovered firsthand, even if it means losing such things). Chretien most likely left it out for a purpose. Unlike Erec and Enide's love, perhaps this new romance will be unable to be compared, something new. Chretien does mention "love " on the first page of the texts. He says that "But today very few serve love: nearly everyone has abandoned it; and love is greatly abased because those who loved in bygone days were known to be courtly and valiant and generous and honourable. Now love is reduced to empty pleasantries, since those who know nothing about it claim that they love, but they lie, and those who boast of loving have no right to do so, make a lie and mockery out of it." Through this quote, I get the idea that Chretien is setting his lovers apart. He wants it to be known that actual TRUE love, does not need all the details, events, or formal labels that most people in general give it. Thus whatever he has in store, is concrete and set apart from all the rest. Incomparable to what he has read, written, or experienced before.

Yvain seems to blend in with other knights and heros we have read about. Obviously he is illustrated as the best, most abled in the court. the heroine, Laudine, is immediately set apart. Unlike Enide, she chooses to marry Yvain. Her mind is already made up. She plans in her best interests, while still being socially accepted. Chretien does not paint the perfect picture however. Though the love he gives his characters a great gift, there is obviously a price they must pay. He states that whomever falls in love is a prisoner. Like Erec whom focuses solely on his love for Enide and must regain his old lifestyle, perhaps something similar will happen to Yvain. Nothing good comes without a price!

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