Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1. The title includes the LAST crusade simply because the grail is the most coveted item one could find. There is no higher achievement one could aim for. His crusades or missions after finding the grail would be of no comparison. As a whole, the titles adds to the brevity and importance of Indiana's quest compared to everything he has ever accomplished.

2. I think the director included young Indiana to show that he is worthy of his quest. From a young age, he was fearless, had reverence for the church, and waned to do the right thing. He had no personal use for the cross, but he stole it to have it be where it belongs. Later, he talks with his father about how heartbroken and torturous it would be if the Nazi's found the grail- this is because they are "unworthy." Indiana on the other hand, has no mal intentions, he is finding it for all the right verses the wrong reasons.

6. In order to get the grail ultimately, Indiana must believe. I think this stipulation sounds so simple, but it is also the most difficult thing. Once he crosses the three obstacles, he must choose which grail is the right one. Indiana uses all his knowledge to pick the correct grail. Finding the grail is not simply a mission, more than that it is a spiritual passage. Indiana's father was healed with holy water. This is an extremely religious "event." He would not have been healed if he himself did not believe in the grail/ god himself.

8. As stated above, I liked the three challenges and the stipulation to find the grail. Although Indiana chose the right grail, I thought it was a little absurd that they had to choose one blindly. Overall, it satirizes the notion of "questing" for the grail- how it truly is the most holy and beloved of all things, yet unavailable to mortal man. One can go through many hardships and still not attain what they are after, due to little mistakes or big ones.

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