Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1. At the end of Act III we see Celestina preparing her thread with a potion for Melibea. How do we see her lack of confidence? What do you make of this?

Celestina is begging the gods to make the potion work. I found it interesting that she threatens the gods, rather than asking for their powers/help. Perhaps this is because she is notoriously getting away with things, and getting what he wants. Even though she seems powerful to everyone else, it is clear that even she knows it is an act. She has nothing in her other than to beg for their help, and rather than be nice about it, her threats make her more powerful in her mind (build upon her own ego/ appearance to others).

3. How does Melibea’s reaction to Calisto’s name either strengthen or weaken your initial reaction to their first meeting?

It strengthens my opinion that Melibea's argument was genuine in the garden; but then again, it is probably all an act of "hard to get." She certainly plays it well... everytime she hers his name she gets so angry and frustrated she makes it extremely obvious that she wants nothing to do with him at all. Its quite comical!

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